Minimal Next.js Blog (Part 4 - Show posts in category)
This is a multipart series. If you haven't read the previous post, I'd suggest you start at part 1, as all subsequent parts continue on from each other and likely won't make sense as individual units.
Part 4, Welcome. In this part, I render a list of all posts within a category. The logic is essentially a mix of what I used in the pages/index.tsx
and blog\[slug].tsx
To start with, I do a minor refactoring of the functionality I want to share between these pages; then, I lay down the required code to render a list of blog posts within the selected category.
Refactor time
I move the logic to create a collection of blog metadata out of the pages/index.tsx
page and into the shared file /shared/posts.ts
, so I change
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (): Promise<{ props: IIndexProps }> => {
const blogs = (await getPostsMarkdownFileNames()).map((fileName: string) => {
const { data } = matter(readPostFile(fileName))
return extractBlogMeta(data)
return {
props: { blogs }
to this
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (): Promise<{ props: IIndexProps }> => {
const blogs = await getBlogMetadata()
return {
props: { blogs }
The newly created function getBlogMetadata
is placed in the /shared/build-time/posts.ts
export const getBlogMetadata = async (filterCategory?: string): Promise<IBlogMetadata[]> => {
const postFileNames = await getPostsMarkdownFileNames()
const blogMetadata = string) => {
const { data } = matter(readPostFile(fileName))
return extractBlogMeta(data)
return !filterCategory
? blogMetadata
: blogMetadata.filter((blogMetadata) => blogMetadata.categories.some((c) => c.toLowerCase() == filterCategory.toLowerCase()))
Did you notice I added an optional param to filter the returned collection by a category? Yes 🎉
I also need a share the logic to get a collection of distinct categories and sorted posts. Which changes my IndexPage
component from
const IndexPage = (props: IIndexProps) => {
const distinctCategories = props.blogs
.map((blogMetadata) => blogMetadata.categories)
.reduce((acc, val) => [...acc, ...val])
.filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index)
.sort((catA: string, catB: string) => catA.localeCompare(catB))
const sortedPosts = props.blogs.sort((blogA, blogB) => new Date( - new Date(
// TSX Code
const IndexPage = (props: IIndexProps) => {
const distinctCategories = getDistinctCategories(props.blogs)
const sortedPosts = sortBlogMetaDescending(props.blogs)
// TSX Code
with getDistinctCategories
and sortBlogMetaDescending
simply becoming this in the ./shared/posts.ts
export const getDistinctCategories = (blogMetadata: IBlogMetadata[]): string[] =>
.map((blogMetadata) => blogMetadata.categories)
.reduce((acc, val) => [...acc, ...val])
.filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index)
.sort((catA: string, catB: string) => catA.localeCompare(catB))
export const sortBlogMetaDescending = (meta: IBlogMetadata[]): IBlogMetadata[] =>
meta.sort((blogA, blogB) => new Date( - new Date(
Sanitised categories
Wouldn't having perfect hindsight would be great?
The problem. I'm using categories as the route slug, and obviously, not all characters play nicely in the URL. I figure if I replace any characters that are not alphanumeric or a hyphen with a hyphen, then it's a pretty easy way to solve this problem. That's my thoughts about it for the moment, and I guess time will tell. Though, that leaves me with another problem. Because I adjust the category text, I either use the modified category as the category text, yuk, or change categories from a simple string collection string[]
to a complex type. I opt for the complex type as it seems like a good solution, and I end up using the structure { name: string, slug: string}
First, I create my sanitiseCategory function, placing it in the /shared/posts.ts
const sanitiseCategory = (category: string): string => category.replace(/([^a-z0-9\-])+/gi, '-').toLowerCase()
Then I update the existing extractBlogMeta
function to build the complex type.
export const extractBlogMeta = (data: { [key: string]: any }): IBlogMetadata => ({
title: data['title'],
snippet: data['snippet'] ?? '',
slug: data['slug'],
categories: (data['categories'] ?? []).map((c: string) => ({ name: c, slug: sanitiseCategory(c) })),
date: data['date']
Of course, my IBlogMetadata
type defined in the /pages/index.tsx
file needs a small refactor too, so I change it from
export interface IBlogMetadata {
title: string
snippet: string
slug: string
categories: string[]
date: string
export interface IBlogCategory { name: string; slug: string }
export interface IBlogMetadata {
title: string
snippet: string
slug: string
categories: IBlogCategory[]
date: string
Now I alter where I render categories to the screen in the /pages/index.tsx
, which changes it from
{ => (
<ul key={category}>
<Link href={`/blog-category/${category}`}>
{ => (
<ul key={category.slug}>
<Link href={`/blog-category/${category.slug}`}>
My newly created function getBlogMetadata
in the /shared/build-time/posts.ts
needs a slight change, meaning it goes from
export const getBlogMetadata = async (filterCategory?: string): Promise<IBlogMetadata[]> => {
const postFileNames = await getPostsMarkdownFileNames()
const blogMetadata = string) => {
const { data } = matter(readPostFile(fileName))
return extractBlogMeta(data)
return !filterCategory
return !filterCategorySlug
? blogMetadata
: blogMetadata.filter((blogMetadata) => blogMetadata.categories.some((c) => c.toLowerCase() == filterCategory.toLowerCase()))
export const getBlogMetadata = async (filterCategorySlug?: string): Promise<IBlogMetadata[]> => {
const postFileNames = await getPostsMarkdownFileNames()
const blogMetadata = string) => {
const { data } = matter(readPostFile(fileName))
return extractBlogMeta(data)
return !filterCategorySlug
? blogMetadata
: blogMetadata.filter((blogMetadata) => blogMetadata.categories.some((c) => c.slug === filterCategorySlug))
Nearly there. One last adjustment I do in the'getDistinctCategories' function changes it from
export const getDistinctCategories = (blogMetadata: IBlogMetadata[]): string[] =>
.map((blogMetadata) => blogMetadata.categories)
.reduce((acc, val) => [...acc, ...val])
.filter((value, index, self) => self.indexOf(value) === index)
.sort((catA: string, catB: string) => catA.localeCompare(catB))
export const getDistinctCategories = (blogMetadata: IBlogMetadata[]): IBlogCategory[] =>
.map((blogMetadata) => blogMetadata.categories)
.reduce((acc, val) => [...acc, ...val])
.filter((value, index, self) => self.findIndex(bc => bc.slug === value.slug) === index)
.sort((catA: IBlogCategory, catB: IBlogCategory) => catA.slug.localeCompare(catB.slug))
I notice that the updated version of getDistinctCategories
could perhaps be optimised. I don't worry about it for now. Being only used at build time, I decide it's not worth the time and effort. However, my view may change if the build time duration starts increasing.
Now I have both human and URL friendly categories and category slugs.
The categories look like they always have, but my category URLs are slug-friendly. For example, http://localhost:3000/blog-category/aws-codedeploy
Showing blogs posts within a category
Thankfully, refactoring and fixing the category URL is the hardest part of showing blog posts in a category. As I stated earlier, this page's functionality is a mix-up of the /pages/index.tsx
and the /pages/blog/[slug].tsx
I add my BlogCategory
component. As you have likely already guessed, it's a new component with new props and minimal output to the screen.
interface IBlogCategoryProps {
category: string
blogs: IBlogMetadata[]
const BlogCategory = (props: IBlogCategoryProps) => {
const sortedPosts = sortBlogMetaDescending(props.blogs)
return (
<p>My Blog</p>
<h1>Category {props.category}</h1>
{ => (
<article key={blog.slug}>
<Link href={`/blog/${blog.slug}`}>
<p>Author: Wade Baglin</p>
Next, I define the getStaticPaths
function, which, as you might remember, is a way for me to tell Next.js all the static paths that exist for this slug. This component is a one-to-one mapping of the different categories.
export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async (): Promise<{
paths: Array<string | { params: { slug: string } }>
fallback: boolean
}> => {
const blogMetadata = await getBlogMetadata()
const distinctCategories = getDistinctCategories(blogMetadata)
return {
paths: => {
return {
params: {
slug: category.slug
fallback: false
With the refactoring I did beforehand, this is now pretty straightforward.
Static paths are only half of the puzzle, so I define the getStaticProps
function next.
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (context: GetStaticPropsContext): Promise<{ props: IBlogCategoryProps }> => {
const category = context.params!.slug as string
const blogMetadata = await getBlogMetadata(category)
return {
props: {
blogs: blogMetadata
Done. The function takes a category and returns the props (a list of blogs for the selected category), which is used by theBlogCategory
component to render the blogs within a category to the screen. Nice 👍
When I fire up the dev server and point my browser to it, I can see all the blog posts within a category.
In part 5 I support for miscellaneous pages. Like this part, it's amazing (Self Certified).
The full source for /pages/index.tsx
import React from 'react'
import Link from 'next/link'
import { GetStaticProps } from 'next'
import { getDistinctCategories, sortBlogMetaDescending } from '../shared/posts'
import { getBlogMetadata } from '../shared/build-time/posts'
export interface IBlogMetadata {
title: string
snippet: string
slug: string
categories: IBlogCategory[]
date: string
export interface IBlogCategory {
name: string
slug: string
interface IIndexProps {
blogs: IBlogMetadata[]
const IndexPage = (props: IIndexProps) => {
const distinctCategories = getDistinctCategories(props.blogs)
const sortedPosts = sortBlogMetaDescending(props.blogs)
return (
<p>My Blog</p>
<h1>Home page</h1>
{ => (
<article key={blogMetadata.slug}>
<Link href={`/blog/${blogMetadata.slug}`}>
{ => (
<ul key={category.slug}>
<Link href={`/blog-category/${category.slug}`}>
<p>Author: Wade Baglin</p>
export default IndexPage
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (): Promise<{ props: IIndexProps }> => {
const blogs = await getBlogMetadata()
return {
props: { blogs }
The full source for /pages/blog/[slug].tsx
import React from 'react'
import html from 'remark-html'
import highlight from 'remark-highlight.js'
import unified from 'unified'
import markdown from 'remark-parse'
import matter from 'gray-matter'
import { IBlogMetadata } from '../index'
import { GetStaticProps, GetStaticPaths, GetStaticPropsContext } from 'next'
import { extractBlogMeta } from '../../shared/posts'
import { getPostsMarkdownFileNames, readPostFile } from '../../shared/build-time/posts'
interface IBlogPostProps {
blogMeta: IBlogMetadata
html: string
const BlogPostPage = (props: IBlogPostProps) => {
return (
<p>My Blog</p>
<section dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: props.html }}></section>
<p>Date {}</p>
<p>Author: Wade Baglin</p>
export default BlogPostPage
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (context: GetStaticPropsContext): Promise<{ props: IBlogPostProps }> => {
const slug = context.params!.slug
const { data, content } = matter(readPostFile(`${slug}.md`))
const blogMeta = extractBlogMeta(data)
const result = await unified().use(markdown).use(highlight).use(html).process(content)
return {
props: {
html: result.toString()
export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async (): Promise<{
paths: Array<string | { params: { slug: string } }>
fallback: boolean
}> => {
const markdownFileNames = await getPostsMarkdownFileNames()
const markdownFileNamesWithoutExtensions = => fileName.replace('.md', ''))
return {
paths: => {
return {
params: {
slug: slug
fallback: false
The full source for /pages/blog-category/[slug].tsx
import React from 'react'
import Link from 'next/link'
import { IBlogMetadata } from '../index'
import { GetStaticProps, GetStaticPaths, GetStaticPropsContext } from 'next'
import { getDistinctCategories, sortBlogMetaDescending } from '../../shared/posts'
import { getBlogMetadata } from '../../shared/build-time/posts'
interface IBlogCategoryProps {
category: string
blogs: IBlogMetadata[]
const BlogCategory = (props: IBlogCategoryProps) => {
const sortedPosts = sortBlogMetaDescending(props.blogs)
return (
<p>My Blog</p>
<h1>Category {props.category}</h1>
{ => (
<article key={blog.slug}>
<Link href={`/blog/${blog.slug}`}>
<p>Author: Wade Baglin</p>
export default BlogCategory
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async (context: GetStaticPropsContext): Promise<{ props: IBlogCategoryProps }> => {
const category = context.params!.slug as string
const blogMetadata = await getBlogMetadata(category)
return {
props: {
blogs: blogMetadata
export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async (): Promise<{
paths: Array<string | { params: { slug: string } }>
fallback: boolean
}> => {
const blogMetadata = await getBlogMetadata()
const distinctCategories = getDistinctCategories(blogMetadata)
return {
paths: => {
return {
params: {
slug: category.slug
fallback: false
The full source for /shared/posts.ts
import { IBlogCategory, IBlogMetadata } from '../pages'
export const extractBlogMeta = (data: { [key: string]: any }): IBlogMetadata => ({
title: data['title'],
snippet: data['snippet'] ?? '',
slug: data['slug'],
categories: (data['categories'] ?? []).map((c: string) => ({ name: c, slug: sanitiseCategory(c) })),
date: data['date']
export const getDistinctCategories = (blogMetadata: IBlogMetadata[]): IBlogCategory[] =>
.map((blogMetadata) => blogMetadata.categories)
.reduce((acc, val) => [...acc, ...val])
.filter((value, index, self) => self.findIndex((bc) => bc.slug === value.slug) === index)
.sort((catA: IBlogCategory, catB: IBlogCategory) => catA.slug.localeCompare(catB.slug))
export const sortBlogMetaDescending = (meta: IBlogMetadata[]): IBlogMetadata[] =>
meta.sort((blogA, blogB) => new Date( - new Date(
export const sanitiseCategory = (category: string): string => category.replace(/([^a-z0-9\-])+/gi, '-').toLowerCase()
The full source for /shared/build-time/posts.ts
import { readdir, readFileSync } from 'fs-extra'
import matter from 'gray-matter'
import { IBlogMetadata } from '../../pages'
import { extractBlogMeta } from '../posts'
export const getPostsMarkdownFileNames = async (): Promise<string[]> =>
(await readdir(`${process.cwd()}/posts`)).filter((fn: string) => fn.endsWith('.md'))
export const readPostFile = (fileName: string): Buffer => readFileSync(`${process.cwd()}/posts/${fileName}`)
export const getBlogMetadata = async (filterCategorySlug?: string): Promise<IBlogMetadata[]> => {
const postFileNames = await getPostsMarkdownFileNames()
const blogMetadata = string) => {
const { data } = matter(readPostFile(fileName))
return extractBlogMeta(data)
return !filterCategorySlug
? blogMetadata
: blogMetadata.filter((blogMetadata) => blogMetadata.categories.some((c) => c.slug === filterCategorySlug))
Date May 4, 2022